How to Julienne Cucumbers with a Mandolin?

Slicing cucumbers into julienne strips can add an elegant touch to your dishes, and using a mandolin makes this process efficient and precise. Julienne cucumbers with a mandolin is a neat way to cut fruits and vegetables into thin, matchstick-like strips. 

Materials Needed:

  • Cucumber
  • Mandolin with a julienne blade
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Handguard


  1. Prep your cucumber: Wash the cucumber thoroughly under running water. Then, cut off both ends to create flat surfaces.
  2. Adjust the mandolin: Set the blade of the mandolin to the desired thickness. For julienne cuts, a thinner setting works best.
  3. Safety first: If your mandolin has a handguard, use it. This helps protect your fingers while slicing.
  4. Slice the cucumber: Hold the cucumber firmly against the handguard and run it along the blade of the mandolin. Be cautious and move slowly to create even, thin slices.
  5. Repeat: Continue sliding the cucumber back and forth on the mandolin until you’ve sliced the whole cucumber.
  6. Collect the julienne cuts: You’ll have long, thin strips of cucumber that look like matchsticks. Gather them together on your cutting board.

How to Choose the Right Cucumber?

Selecting the right cucumber for julienne cuts involves a few key considerations:

  1. Size and Shape: Look for long and straight cucumbers with a consistent diameter. Almost all type of cucumbers work well for julienne cuts due to their slender and uniform shape.
  2. Firmness: The cucumber should feel firm to the touch without any soft spots or wrinkles. A firm cucumber ensures clean and precise cuts.
  3. Skin Thickness: Opt for cucumbers with thinner skin as they are easier to slice thinly and won’t require peeling. Thinner-skinned varieties also tend to have fewer seeds, which can affect the texture of your julienne.
  4. Freshness: Choose cucumbers that are fresh and vibrant in color. Avoid any that look dull or have started to yellow at the ends.

How to Prepare the Cucumber?

Preparing cucumbers in a julienne cut is a fantastic way to add a crisp, elegant touch to salads, garnishes, or even as a healthy snack. Follow these steps to nail the perfect julienne cut:

  1. Choose the Right Cucumber: Select a fresh cucumber that feels firm and has smooth skin. English cucumbers or regular cucumbers work well for julienne cuts.
  2. Wash and Dry: Thoroughly wash the cucumber under cool, running water to remove any dirt or residue. Pat it dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.
  3. Trim the Ends: Trim off both ends of the cucumber using a sharp knife. This step ensures that your julienne cuts will be uniform.
  4. Peel (Optional): Peeling the cucumber is optional. If you prefer, use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. This can give your dish a more refined look.
  5. Cut in Half: Slice the cucumber in half lengthwise using a knife. This step helps manage the length of your cuts.
  6. Remove Seeds (Optional): Using a spoon or a knife, gently scrape out the seeds from the center of each cucumber half. This step is optional but can prevent excess moisture in your dish.

What are the Safety Precautions Needed?

Safety while preparing julienne cucumbers is essential. Here are the safety precautions to follow:

  1. Wash and Sanitize: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling cucumbers. Rinse the cucumbers under running water to remove any dirt or contaminants from the surface.
  2. Use a Clean Cutting Board: Always use a clean cutting board designated for vegetables. This prevents cross-contamination from other foods.
  3. Sharp Knife Handling: Use a sharp knife for cutting cucumbers. A sharp knife is safer to use than a dull one as it requires less force, reducing the chance of slipping and cutting yourself.
  4. Proper Grip: Ensure a firm grip on the cucumber while cutting. Use a claw-like grip on the cucumber with your fingers curled under, keeping them away from the knife’s path.
  5. Stable Cutting Surface: Place a damp paper towel or a nonslip mat under the cutting board to prevent it from slipping while slicing the cucumbers.
  6. Mindful Cutting Technique: Start by trimming off both ends of the cucumber. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into thin slices, then stack the slices and cut them into thin matchstick-like strips (julienne cuts).

Tips for Perfect Julienne Cuts:

  • Use a sharp chef’s knife or a mandolin slicer to cut.
  • Practice proper knife skills and maintain a steady hand while cutting.
  • Aim for julienne strips that are around 1/8 inch (3 mm) in thickness.

How long will it take to Julienne Cucumbers with a Mandolin?

For a beginner, it might take around 2-3 minutes to julienne a medium-sized cucumber. With practice and better knife skills, you can significantly reduce this time. Professional chefs can julienne a cucumber in about 1-2 minutes or even faster.

To julienne a cucumber efficiently, start by washing and peeling the cucumber. Then, slice off both ends to create a flat surface. Next, carefully cut the cucumber lengthwise into thin slices, about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick. Stack these slices together and cut them lengthwise into thin, uniform matchsticks.

Best Way to Store Julienned Cucumbers

  1. Storage Containers: Choose an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag for storage. These will help maintain the cucumber’s freshness by preventing exposure to air, which can cause it to become soggy.
  2. Paper Towel Layer: Line the bottom of the container or bag with a paper towel. This helps absorb excess moisture, keeping the cucumbers dry and crisp.
  3. Arrange and Seal: Place the julienned cucumbers in a single layer inside the container or bag. Don’t overcrowd them, as this can lead to bruising and quicker spoilage. Seal the container tightly to keep air out.
  4. Refrigeration: Store the container of julienned cucumbers in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for cucumbers is between 50°F and 55°F (10°C and 13°C). Always keep them chilled to maintain their freshness.

Why do These Steps Matter?

  • Moisture Control: Removing excess moisture and keeping the cucumbers dry helps prevent them from becoming mushy.
  • Airtight Storage: Storing in an airtight container or bag prevents exposure to air, maintaining its crispness.
  • Refrigeration: Keeping them chilled slows down the ripening process and maintains their quality.

Creative Uses for Julienned Cucumbers

  1. Salads and Slaws: Julienned cucumbers bring a refreshing crunch to salads and slaws. They pair excellently with carrots, radishes, and bell peppers. A simple dressing of vinegar, olive oil, and herbs can enhance the flavors.
  2. Sushi Rolls: Commonly found in sushi, julienned cucumbers contribute a crisp texture to rolls alongside fish, rice, and other veggies. They add a fresh element to sushi’s taste profile.
  3. Cold Noodle Dishes: In Asian cuisine, julienned cucumbers are often used in cold noodle dishes like “hiyashi chuka.” They provide a cooling effect and complement the dish’s flavors.
  4. Garnishes: Thin strips of cucumbers make attractive garnishes for various dishes. They can adorn plates, soups, and even cocktails, adding visual appeal and a hint of freshness.
  5. Pickling: Julienned cucumbers are ideal for pickling due to their size and shape. Pickled cucumbers, commonly known as “quick pickles,” make a delightful accompaniment to sandwiches or a tangy addition to grilled meats.
  6. Wraps and Rolls: As a healthier alternative to tortilla wraps, julienned cucumbers serve as a crisp, low-calorie outer layer for fillings like hummus, cheese, or sliced meats.
  7. Infused Water: Cucumber-infused water is a popular beverage for its refreshing taste. Julienned cucumber placed in water creates a subtly flavored drink, perfect for staying hydrated.

Fun Facts

  • Julienne cutting is named after French chef François Julien. He was known for his precise cutting techniques in the kitchen.
  • Cucumbers comprise about 95% water, making them a hydrating snack.
  • They’re low in calories but high in nutrients like vitamins K and C.
  • Cucumbers are believed to have originated in India over 3,000 years ago.
Akara Karimi

Chef Akara, a culinary virtuoso with a penchant for innovation, crafts dishes that marry tradition with modern flair. Her journey from culinary school to renowned kitchens forged her expertise.

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